Link it benchmark talk: LOOK HOW MUCH WE KNOW !!!!

  Description: I try to pull up my math link it bench mark data and chat with every child in the class : I take about 5 min to discuss their strengths and weakness on the current test while also focusing on their improvement s from the previous test !! TThe kids are always so excited to see their improvement !! I try to focus on see how we know already !! ( it then seems easier for them to acept the skills that they also need to improve upon !!)

  Grade levels: 4-6

  Shared by: Dawn McCall (more…)

Teach The Table – Ask an Expert

  Description: Making use of the variety of abilities within my classroom at each given moment can help increase efficiency and effectiveness for my students. Students assisting each other and being comfortable learning from each other is a powerful environment. Due to my short amount of time with my students, this can be an extremely powerful tool

  Grade levels: K-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12

  Shared by: Nate Shilcosky (more…)

Resources Rock

  Description: Recognizing students who would benefit from extra resources (manipulatives, number line, etc.) during instruction and/or independent work.

  Grade levels: K-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12

  Shared by: Aubrie Christ (more…)

Grammar Yoga

  Description: Students respond through motions to a strategy or concept.

  Grade levels: K-3, 4-6

  Shared by: Scott Lashinsky (more…)

A Different Question

  Description: Add a differentiated question to every assignment. Provide guided and supportive feedback!

  Grade levels: K-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12

  Shared by: Timothy Kretchman (more…)

Move the Top

  Description: Focus a reteach lesson on proficient students using Webb’s DOK to provide additional content at the top level(s). Focusing on “moving the top” creates opportunities for all students to perform.

  Grade levels: K-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12

  Shared by: Timothy Kretchman (more…)