Our Approach
Behind every student with special needs is a team of adults collaborating to help that student thrive. We know how integral that collaboration is for the student to succeed. What happens, however, when that team…
- Can’t find time to share strategies that work,
- Works on a schedule that makes collaborating nearly impossible, or
- Is made up of adults who already feel they are at max capacity?
At Action Driven Education, we help schools create the conditions necessary using our highly successful two-step approach for your educators and students to meet and exceed their goals. This approach guides educators through an achievable, five-part action plan.
Meeting Tim has been an outstanding privilege that is filled with his authentic desire to help and support educators in their quest to support all learners academically, socially, and emotionally.
Dr. Lisa M.
Director of Pupil Services
Build a Simple, Barrier-Moving, Mindset

Recognize that the student is struggling with a barrier – a need!
Work the child through their need.
Support the child around their need.
Collect through data to verify progress.
Collect around data to verify effectiveness.
Action-Driven Approach: Step #1
Our action-driven approach begins by building a barrier-moving, inclusive mindset so teachers recognize the value of individualization for the student… and for themselves! (Action Plan I)
During this step, teachers learn to:
- Identify that a student has a barrier (need) that is standing in their way in the classroom
- Define the need in clear and observable terms
- Recognize places where the need is impacting the child’s ability to become meaningfully engaged in the class, instruction, and assessment
- Collect data to verify presence
What’s an example of data that prove the presence of the need?
The need itself
- Reading fluency example: a child reads at 40 words per minute
- This becomes through data
How the need impacts the child
- Reading fluency example: the child fails tests (averaging 48%) because they read too slow to comprehend
- This becomes around data
Action-Driven Approach: Step #2
During the second phase of our approach, teachers learn to address the student’s need using a two-tiered, Through-and Around-Process (TAP).
Tier I:
Work the child through their need (Action Plan II)
- Plan instructional opportunities designed specifically to address the child’s need
- Include consideration to rehearse skills as part of differentiated instructional activities
- Include goals in the child’s IEP (if applicable) or IST/MTSS Student Support Plan
- Collect through data to verify progress (Action Plan IV)
What should I be thinking in Tier I?
“How can I design or redesign (Specially Designed Instruction) this learning activity to create an opportunity to improve the child’s skills?”
- Changes to instructional tasks in the inclusive environment that help to improve the skills related to the child’s need
- Pull-out instruction or other direct need-based instruction
- Any opportunity a team can create to build skills related to the child’s need
Tier II:
Support the child around their need (Action Plan III)
- Select “just-right” adaptations that eliminate the impact of the need on the child’s ability to learn and demonstrate their learning.
- Collect around data to verify effectiveness (Action Plan V)
What should I be thinking in Tier II?
During a specific activity or class, “Is the child’s need going to present a barrier that could prevent or inhibit their ability to continue to learn or demonstrate their learning?” If so, “How can I empower them around the need?”
- Select adaptations that are aligned with the need and empowered by the child’s strengths
- Adaptations should fit the unique classroom setting
- Just-right adaptations are individualized to the child