Exceptional Leader Resources

  • Our Action-Driven Exceptional Leaders Program is designed to give you everything you need to lead an effective program in your school.


    • Build a local expert that’s highly trained in our Through-and-Around Process.
    • Equip your school with a healthy culture
    • Be prepared to answer questions with practive strategies that get the job done!
    • Don’t rely on others to develop and deliver local professional development.
    • And much more!

Action-Driven Exceptional Leaders Program

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Discover the Tools For Effective Inclusion Presentation Resources

Action-Driven Approach: Step #1

Our action-driven approach begins by building a barrier-moving, inclusive mindset so teachers recognize the value of individualization for the student… and for themselves! (Action Plan I)

During this step, teachers learn to:

    • Identify that a student has a barrier (need) that is standing in their way in the classroom
    • Define the need in clear and observable terms
    • Recognize places where the need is impacting the child’s ability to become meaningfully engaged in the class, instruction, and assessment
    • Collect data to verify presence

What’s an example of data that prove the presence of the need?

The need itself

  • Reading fluency example: a child reads at 40 words per minute
  • This becomes through data

How the need impacts the child

  • Reading fluency example: the child fails tests (averaging 48%) because they read too slow to comprehend
  • This becomes around data

Action-Driven Approach: Step #2

During the second phase of our approach, teachers learn to address the student’s need using a two-tiered, Through-and Around-Process (TAP).

Tier I:

Work the child through their need (Action Plan II)

  • Plan instructional opportunities designed specifically to address the child’s need
  • Include consideration to rehearse skills as part of differentiated instructional activities
  • Include goals in the child’s IEP (if applicable) or IST/MTSS Student Support Plan
  • Collect through data to verify progress (Action Plan IV)

What should I be thinking in Tier I?

“How can I design or redesign (Specially Designed Instruction) this learning activity to create an opportunity to improve the child’s skills?”

  • Changes to instructional tasks in the inclusive environment that help to improve the skills related to the child’s need
  • Pull-out instruction or other direct need-based instruction
  • Any opportunity a team can create to build skills related to the child’s need

Tier II:

Support the child around their need (Action Plan III)

    • Select “just-right” adaptations that eliminate the impact of the need on the child’s ability to learn and demonstrate their learning.
    • Collect around data to verify effectiveness (Action Plan V)

What should I be thinking in Tier II?

During a specific activity or class, “Is the child’s need going to present a barrier that could prevent or inhibit their ability to continue to learn or demonstrate their learning?”  If so, “How can I empower them around the need?”

Ready to connect? Schedule a free consultation today!