Barrier Moving Mindset

  • Our Action-Driven Exceptional Leaders Program is designed to give you everything you need to lead an effective program in your school.


    • Build a local expert that’s highly trained in our Through-and-Around Process.
    • Equip your school with a healthy culture
    • Be prepared to answer questions with practive strategies that get the job done!
    • Don’t rely on others to develop and deliver local professional development.
    • And much more!

Action-Driven Education’s Barrier Moving Mindset Flyer

Barrier Moving Mindset Flyer

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Barrier Moving Mindset Resources

inclusive mindset

Step #1:

Recognize and Identify the presence of a need

Action-Driven Approach: Step #1

Empower all educators to recognize the presence of a barrier, a student’s need, in their classroom. Because all classrooms are different, barriers may be present in one setting while not in others, so empowering all educators with this skill set is essential. But recognizing a barrier is only the start of the process, so…


    Four Barrier Types Worksheet – This document is designed to get you thinking about the different types of barriers you may notice in your classroom.

    Work the child through their need

    Step #2:

    Work the child through their need

    Action-Driven Approach: Step #2

    …educators and parents need to know how to move the child’s need(s). We eliminate a child’s need by guiding a process that improves their skills in areas where they struggle. We do this with well-developed IEP goals, planning explicit need-based instruction for pull-out instructional time, and creating unique opportunities to refine and rehearse those skills in inclusive environments. But building skills takes time…


      Four Barrier Types Worksheet – This document is designed to get you thinking about the different types of barriers you may notice in your classroom.

      Support the child around their need

      Step #3:

      Support the child around their need

      Action-Driven Approach: Step #3

            • …so there has to be a faster way to move the child’s need so they can continue

        to learn without it being a barrier. This is where just-right accommodations are important because they enable the child to engage in class, instruction, and assessment by empowering them around their need! Accomods by Action Driven Education helps you find the perfect just-right accommodation that is aligned to the child’s need, fits a teacher’s unique instructional environment, and uses the child’s strengths as leverage.


      Four Barrier Types Worksheet – This document is designed to get you thinking about the different types of barriers you may notice in your classroom.

      Collect through data to verify progress

      Step #4:

      Monitor through efforts with instructional data

      Action-Driven Approach: Step #4

      Effective need-based efforts are verified by collecting instructional data that shows steady progress toward clearly stated outcomes. When a child’s skills are lagging, we must be creative to take full advantage of every opportunity to provide explicit instruction that’s directly aligned with their need. To avoid a loss of valuable instructional time, our laser-focused efforts to improve a child’s need-related skills must be verified with data!


      Four Barrier Types Worksheet – This document is designed to get you thinking about the different types of barriers you may notice in your classroom.

      Collect around data to verify effectiveness

      Step #5:

      Verify the effectiveness of around efforts

      Action-Driven Approach: Step #5

      The impact of just-right accommodations should be seen quickly but also monitored to verify their ongoing effectiveness. As the child grows and their skills improve, the variables that define just-right also change. Besides, teachers are busy, so the best way to save the time it takes to provide support is by ensuring it’s not being wasted, and data provides that proof!


      Four Barrier Types Worksheet – This document is designed to get you thinking about the different types of barriers you may notice in your classroom.

      Ready to connect? Schedule a free consultation today!